The next business meeting of the Garden Group will be on Wednesday, February 5 at 10:00 AM at the meeting room of the Mattapoisett Public Library.

The 5th Annual Greens Sale is history. Our wreaths, centerpieces, swags, boxwood trees, and one-of-a-kind 2024 ornaments were scooped up on a bright and chilly December 7th in the Ying’s parking lot. It was heartwarming to see so many friends return this year and make new acquaintances as folks found something new for their door, table, or a special gift.

We thank all of our MWC Elves and their spousal support system. In addition to our own “guys”, I need to single out Matt Buckley who provided racks he built for the Boy Scouts when there was a Mattapoisett troop.  The Mattapoisett Land Trust loans us their pipe racks each year for the swags. Annually, when we ask to use the lot next to the Ying Dynasty, the owner Susan Paolini says “YES”.

There are many people who make this event a success. Our lead designers Sharon Doyon and Susan Perkins are the sparkplugs. Sherry & Karl Hoines allow us to meet in their heated barn to create seasonal designs; Erin & Peter Burlinson provide the cold storage area in their barn; Jim Turse and his red truck with the sale sign show up at the parking lot; Bob & Carole Clifford transported and erected the cashiers’ tent; Susan Mitchell and Sherry Hoines cut and collected the greens; many other members distributed posters around Mattapoisett, Marion and Fairhaven; many more worked in the barn designing and assembling; and, several members drove up and down North Street to move the items from one barn to another or to the parking lot. This was a team effort and we are grateful to each and every person who participated!

The net proceeds from the sale exceeded $4000 and the final total will be available in January 2025.